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Google will increase Internet speed.

Google will increase Internet speed. 

It is normal for the Internet to be named after the list of the most important parts of information technology. But if the context is about the speed of Internet, then small or almost obscure things can also make big difference. The Congestion Controller Algorithm, which is a small part of the information transmission mechanism on the Internet from the Internet. This regulatory algorithm is a small part of the network but has a huge impact on the speed of the Internet. So, Google has started working with a regulatory algorithm.

In March, Google brought innovation to the congestion controller algorithm on YouTube. Then the speed of YouTube worldwide increased by 4 percent. In some countries, the speed increases by 14 percent. With that success, Google is now formulating this regulatory algorithm start in their cloud service. Google's high-tech software engineer Neil Cardwell said that Google's search engine will make Google's search engine more dynamic through the new Bollol Neck bandwidth and round-trip (BBR) algorithm.

He said Google is making their internet speed as dynamic as possible. Google's high-tech software engineer Neil Cardwell said of the new (BBR), Google Researching Google (BBR) algorithm by research for two years, Google.com and cloud service. What is the BBR algorithm? Commenting on this, Cardwell said that on the Internet (if connected to Google), any type of connection is disconnected by the transaction, BBR will automatically connect with Google Internet. That means the BBR algorithm will reduce data transfer rate at slow speed by preventing disconnection while transmitting data to Google.

Many tech institutions have already started using the BBR algorithm. Web Engines Word Press to Create Websites Using Google Cloud, recently published a list of the biggest differences in information transmission using BBR. In the list, the data transfer speed has increased dramatically by 2700 times.

Otherwise, many other Google cloud users have used the new BBR to claim that the internet has been more thousand percent dynamic ever than before. Cardwell said that the BBR algorithm will soon be open for developers. Google is optimistic that other companies will follow their steps after seeing the success of Google (BBR).

Source: Business Insider

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